3.4.1 Optimistic Locking
Optimistic locking is a technique that is used to insure that updates to the database data corresponding to the state of an entity are made only when no intervening transaction has updated that data for the entity state since the entity state was read. This insures that updates or deletes to that data are consistent with the current state of the database and that intervening updates are not lost. Transactions that would cause this constraint to be violated result in an OptimisticLockException being thrown and transaction rollback.
Portable applications that wish to enable optimistic locking for entities must specify Version attributes for those entities―i.e., persistent properties or fields annotated with the Version annotation or specified in the XML descriptor as version attributes.
Applications are strongly encouraged to enable optimistic locking for all entities that may be concurrently accessed or merged from a disconnected state.
Failure to use optimistic locking may lead to inconsistent entity state, lost updates and other state irregularities. If optimistic locking is not defined as part of the entity state, the application must bear the burden of maintaining data consistency.